Serija hidravličnih pantov presega omejitve tradicionalnih zapiral za vrata, kot so velika izvrtina v tleh in cementiranje talnega avtomata.
Ti izdelki izstopajo po svoji funkcionalnosti, vsestranskosti, varnosti, vzdržljivosti in razmerju med kakovostjo in ceno.
Vsi modeli so skladni s standardom EN 1154.
Majhne dimenzije "Hydra Pro" in njegova čista ter elegantna zasnova zagotavljajo izjemno enostavno odpiranje in zapiranje vrat.
Ti hidravlični panti združujejo vrhunsko zmogljivost s tehnično kakovostjo in varnim premikanjem, pri čemer ne zanemarjajo estetskega vidika.
Odražajo trenutne arhitekturne trende, ki zahtevajo vse manjše dimenzije dodatkov.
Tako jih je mogoče prilagoditi široki paleti okolij.
Series of hydraulic hinges overcomes the limits of traditional door closures, such as floor hole and cement of the floor spring case.
These products stands out for their functionality, versatility, safety, durability and quality/price ratio.
All models are complaint with En 1154.
The reduced dimensions of “Hydra Pro” and its clean and elegant design ensure the easiest opening and closing of the door.
These hydraulic hinges combine the highest performance with technical quality and safe movement without overlooking the aesthetic aspect.
Indeed, they reflect the current architectural trends requiring more and more minimal dimensions of the accessories.
In this way, it is possible to adapt them to a wide variety of environments.
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