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Linija za Rezanje Monolitnega Stekla z Avtomatskim Lomljenjem

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Linija za Rezanje Monolitnega Stekla z Avtomatskim Lomljenjem

Linije za nalaganje, rezanje in prelom monolitnega stekla z avtomatskim prelomom. Stroji zagotavljajo natančno ločevanje z vzporednimi nosilci stekla in avtomatsko prelomno palico. Monitor prikazuje sinhronizirane sheme rezanja za lažjo uporabo.


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    Brand: MACOTEC

    Monolithic glass cutting lines with automatic breakout
    Lines for loading, cutting and breakout of monolithic glass sheets with automatic crossbeam breakout

    Automatic devices for the automatic breakout of float glass sheets which, depending on the required productivity and space available, can be configured with inlet and different lengths of outlet buffer tables to optimise production flow.

    The mechanical design of the breakout machines, which have sheet clamp beams that always run parallel to the glass thanks to movement via torsion shafts and an automatic breakout bar always aligned with the engraving, guarantees glass separation even of thicker glass with excellent edge quality.

    To support this functionality, the breakout table can be equipped with a large monitor on which the cutting schemes are displayed, thus facilitating the operator's work.

    The cutting schemes displayed on the monitor are synchronised with the machine's numerical control so that the correct display is always available according to the glass cut pattern.

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